Want To Scale On Cold Traffic In The Middle Of A Recession?

“Hired Gun” To Top Marketers Declares:

“I Bet You $16,500!”

“These 162 Unusual Split Tests Will Make Your

Business Recession-Proof. In Fact, I Bet

You $16,500 They Will Skyrocket Your

Conversion Rates And AOVs In Weeks, If

Not Faster!”*

*For Qualifying Offers Only.

As A Full-Funnel Strategist, I’ve Helped Contribute To $100+ Million

In Front-End Sales For Some Of America’s Leading Advertisers

Question is:

From the desk of Jeff Maina

Location: Dubai, UAE

The last 2 years has been a series of one Black Swan event after another.

And now a nasty economic downturn is upon us.

But while many brands will eventually get wiped out…
A select few will defy this looming slump – and emerge with a bigger market share.

Will You Be Among The “1%” Of Business Owners Who

Grow Richer And Put Space Between Yourself And The


Now, I spent a year working directly with Stefan Georgi on long-form campaigns…

And I’ve been copy chiefed by Julian Reyes… Lee Euler… Andrew Contreras… and Mike Abramov…

Plus I’ve spent the past year working in-house optimising offers for companies like:

✅ Golden Hippo…

✅ Agora Financial…

✅ Birch Gold Group…

✅ Stansberry Research…

✅ And many of America’s leading advertisers.

And while I’m not at liberty to talk about any of the agency work I’ve done…

I’ve helped contribute to over $100 million in sales this past year.

So if…

❗ You’ve seen a fall in your conversion rates, AOVs and upsell take rates due to lower consumer spending…

❗ You’re battling a spike in CPAs due to inflation…

❗ Or if you’re worried about what an economic slump could do to your cashflow…

Then rest assured that the 162 Recession-Beating Split Tests I’ll reveal could make 2022 a breakout year for your business.

Best part is… I’m willing to bet you $16,500* that these “Unusual Recession Beaters” will work for your business…

Even if you sell supplements, newsletters, or information products.

💡 So let me offer you a completely free 1-on-1 strategy session where we’ll take a look at your business’ bottlenecks… identify the top A/B tests that could skyrocket your business in 2022… and put together a 2-page growth plan you can give to your team for immediate implementation – and all this for FREE! 💡

After your free Recession Growth Strategy Session,
you’ll grow your business WITHOUT:

❌ Spending a fortune on more paid ads…

❌ Infuriating your affiliates and media buyers with hope-and-pray tests…

❌ Building a copywriting team…

❌ Working your team to death with constant, anti-climactic “optimizations”…

❌ Waiting ages for the results…

❌ Training your staff on new systems, processes, or software programs…

This strategy session is 100% FREE at the moment.

Yet you could walk away with 7 proven “Recession Beaters” that have worked for some of the industry’s biggest hitters – for 100% FREE.

And remember – I’m betting you $16,500 that they will work.*

Ready To Recession-Proof Your Business?

Click Below Now To Schedule Your No-Obligation
Recession Growth Strategy Call.

No-Risk Performance Guarantee:*

Here’s my guarantee: if you haven’t recouped your initial investment within 3 months of statistically-significant testing, I’ll refund your money. (This performance guarantee only applies to qualifying offers.)


Simply put – I’ll beat your control, even if we don’t add a word of copy… or you pay nothing. This way, I’m assuming the risk.

The way I see it, my performance guarantee is as good as it gets.

*For Qualifying Offers Only.

What Top Marketers Have Said About Me

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